Monday, November 14

i should be doing...

As I've said before, I'm writing these posts as part of a 60 day blogging challenge - a post a day for sixty days. This past weekend we've had visitors, sickness in the family and the general weekend chores and I didn't get around to posting at all. Quite a few times over the last couple of days I've found myself thinking "I should be writing an entry. I have to keep up with the posting."

But I didn't.

Instead I spent time with my friends and family. And truth be told, that's far more important than posting on a blog that probably no-one reads. (Except you, of course.) It made me think about how many times I've thought I should be doing something other than what I am - usually it is something work-related.

I've worked hard to try to make sure that I have a good work/life balance. I know I don't always get it right and there are many times my kids have asked me to come do something with them or look at something they've done and my response has been "Just a minute!" I certainly don't want to be a parent that turns around some day to wonder how my kids grew up so fast and where the last ten years have gone.

Work will always be there, but my son won't always be a funny little two-year-old wearing a plastic hard hat and a single white high-heel shoe, calling "Look, me! Look, me!" And my daughter won't always be an energetic, out-going seven-year-old creating impromptu dance and gymnastic routines in the backyard. I have to take the opportunity to enjoy these things while I can because, all too soon, they'll be gone.

So, if I skip a post here or there it's because I'm enjoying something far more important than a computer screen.

What will you be skipping in order to revel in something more important?

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